Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Drogba to the Impact

The Montreal Impact have just awakened the sleeping soccer heads in the city with the arrival of new star import and legend Didier Drogba. We have seen some big name players come to the Impact before. Players like Alessandro Nesta and Marco Di Viao to name just two but with the addition of Didier Drogba the Impact have instantly become a name read around the world. But then again, Didier Drogba is a global player having played internationally for Ivory Coast, played club level for teams in France, China, Turkey and most famously in England for Chelsea FC.

With over 100 goals to his name at Chelsea and 65 goals for his country, Drogba will now try to make an impact in North America in a city which he picked to play in. If there was any doubt about Drogba's global presence then you probably should have been at the Montreal airport or seen the video of the welcome Drogba received upon stepping foot on Canadian soil. 

As they say, the legend grows! 

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