Friday, August 14, 2015

What Is In a Name? Quebec and the N-word

Once again in Quebec there seems to be a controversy regarding the use and meaning of the N-word. Whether it be the French term Negre or the English version Nigger, some people in Quebec seem to downplay the harm that this word does simply by saying "There is no negative connotation like it has in the U.S." etc. Now yes, I've heard people use that excuse and a lot more then turn and blame the English media in Quebec for making them look like racists. I'd like to point out that not all Francophones and not all Anglophones are ignorant to the word Nigger but some simply are ignorant.

The latest case has actually been around for decades but has recently come to light. It has recently become public knowledge (beyond the local municipality) that there are public areas in the province of Quebec that have the word Nigger or Negre as names for public places, for example part of the Gatineau River named Nigger Rapids reportedly in memory of a black couple that drowned there in the early 1900's. The rapids are in the area of the town of Bouchette Quebec and it is surprising that the local public there seem to have no issue with those rapids being called Nigger Rapids. It is almost as if the population has no awareness of the issues of the word and the backlash against that word across much of North America. And well, maybe it's not a controversy for the locals because they are not around many black people who can effectively say why there is an issue with the N-word. Maybe the history and use of this word is just not communicated much in Quebec. Whatever it is, the recent revelations has not even moved the mayor of this town (Rejean Major) to want to have the name changed. If you can image anywhere else in Canada or the United States where there was a lake or rapids with the word Nigger in the name and the mayor of the neighbouring town says that there is nothing wrong and would not demand a name change? Could you imagine that?

The excuse that nobody talks about this may point to the issue of how many black people live in the town. There seems to be no significant pocket of black people in that town to have made noise about this sosaying no one talks about the name seems useless to say since it seems that most are ignorant to the meaning. I can say that sometimes ignorance is not the fault of the person or this case the town, the true test is when you explain to the people why having the name Nigger Rapids is offensive and the mayor and other people still are steadfast in not wanting to change the name. Now we have a problem Houston!

When reading up on this, I was amazed to read how some local people believed that the name Nigger Rapids "showed the history of black people in Quebec and how it was at that time" and how some believe that there was no other name they could replace Nigger Rapids with. I will let that marinate with you a bit but its infuriating and frustrating that once again the word Nigger in English or Negre in French is in the public discourse in Quebec because most Quebecers seem to be ignorant to the word yet still try to defend the use of it. It is amazingly frustrating. However, the reason why this has become public is because the Quebec Toponymy Commission which studies name changes says that they will look into whether the name should be changed. Although this is a good thing I have an issue with the some of the things they have been saying about this situation.

It is almost obvious that local officials knew of this name and said nothing because they are ignorant to the word. The commission says that name has not been changed because there was no public pressure to do so yet we understand a bit why right? Another thing that bothered me was the this same Toponymy Commission approved the name of Nigger Rapids back in 1983! The commission should definitely right this wrong and they probably will. According to the commission spokesperson Pierre Leblanc this process could take time which I guess as long as the process will happen we should let it run its course but I'm puzzled how changing this name (a racial slur) from a public place cannot be fast tracked.

The kicker to this is that within the province of Quebec there are other places named simular to Nigger Rapids. I have heard of this one place called Nigger Rock, near the U.S. border where black slaves are said to have been buried between 1794 and 1833. I've heard the stories personally but I'm not sure anyone knows for sure and its something you would not learn in school because black history is as scarce in Quebec schools as sex education.... wait, they are bringing that back. However, other sites in Quebec include Niger River, Lac du Negre, Riviere du Negre among others. Nobody in Quebec wants to hear this but listen closely, Quebec has a problem and its being tossed under a rug. I'm not saying people are racist but I am saying people are very ignorant. Ignorant to the point we may soon be calling people racist especially if we correct them and they reject it.

Let's correct these names and let's fast track that change. Quebec is better than this!

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